
Kate’s Data Breach Sparks Urgent Call for Enhanced Security Measures

After Kate Middleton's alleged data incident and possible internal attack at the London Clinic, there's a clear need for security in cyber...

Coin Insider Acquires 7Bitcoins

Broadening the Spectrum of Cryptocurrency Journalism, a foremost gateway into the intricate realm of cryptocurrency,...

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Stablecoin Surge: New Bill Spurs Bank Flood

S&P Global shared a research proposal introduced to the Senate outlining Payment Stablecoin Act that could encourage banks in the US.

Finland’s Approach to Heating Homes with BTC

Finland has integrated two Bitcoin mines with district heating facilities enabling heating homes while mining BTC.

PayPal’s Sustainable BTC Mining: Crypto Incentives

According to PayPal’s Blockchain Research Group, it wants to designate green miners and reward them with additional Bitcoin.

Swiss Bitcoiners’ Advocacy for Monetary Reform

100,000 signature from Swiss nationals are required to sign the petition to kick off a referendum within 18 months.