Funds raised in 2020

ICOs Published
Funds raised

2020 ICOs

ProjectReceivedGoalEnd Date
Cannabis Seed Token 6.5

Cannabis Seed Token

Cannabis Seed Token is a Erc20 token redeemable for cannabis seeds grown by decentralised growers with community polls deciding on strains to be grown with inhouse testing facility's and inhouse growing facility's. cannabis seed token is fully backed to a cannabis seed. our company cana token limited will be audited yearly to prove seed vault accumulation.
Received: 8,000,000 EURGoal: 1,000,000 EUR01-10-2020 Visit
weeMarketplaceAccessToken 6.4


By adopting blockchain technology, the weeGroup is aiming to enhance its existing, fully operative cashback business model, as well as expand its capabilities by including increasingly widespread technologies such as mobile payment.
Received: 100,000,000 EURGoal: 10,000,000 EUR15-02-2020 Visit
ReFork 6.4


ReFork wants to globally prevent the use of disposable plastics and protect the planet Earth from the consequences of excessive plastic waste. Everyone should be able to use biodegradable products for their needs, which will make their lives easier and at the same time will not burden the planet with hard-to-decompose waste.
Received: 7,500,000 USDGoal: 1,500,000 USD31-07-2020 Visit
CryptoFlow Developments 6.4

CryptoFlow Developments

CryptoFlow Developments has a setup like no other in that it allows for the constant funding of more and more development projects without limitations. Once involved in a project you will be able to monitor its construction in realtime via live video feeds as well as monthly progress reports on how projects are developing in terms of budget and schedule directly to your user profile.
Received: 10,000,000 EURGoal: 50,000 EUR04-08-2020 Visit
Felicium 6.4


Felicium removes the difficulty to use blockchain technology in everyday lives. Through autonomous Smart Agreements, traditional agreements are placed and fulfilled on the blockchain. Felicium facilitates the creation of Smart Agreements with a zero-friction experience and aims at making blockchain technology accessible to the masses.
Received: 2,500,000 EURGoal: 500,000 EUR14-09-2020 Visit
protravelcoin 6.4


ProTravel is revolutionizing the global tourism and travel sector with blockchain. We think a step further than other cryptocurrency companies: our vision is to pay with one currency worldwide, without having to think about the current national rate.
Received: 2,500,000 USDGoal: 500,000 USD24-01-2020 Visit
Monolith 6.4


Monolith Crypto Ruble - The first decentralized ruble stablecoin
Received: 300,000 USDGoal: N/A10-08-2020 Visit
CitaBit 6.4


CitaBit is an ecosystem that simplifies cryptocurrency use, as well as providing usability and, at the same time, guaranteeing a high level of security of using cryptocurrencies by a common user. Our main priority is security of digital assets storage – we will provide unique solutions to protect the users’ assets. Since the facts prove that many cryptocurrency projects are vulnerable to hacks, leaks, and other unfavorable actions.
Received: 29,000,000 USDGoal: 4,500,000 USD22-04-2020 Visit
MorCrypto Exchange 6.4

MorCrypto Exchange

MorCrypto Exchange is an AI enabled P2P trading exchange, with other services like mining service, cryptocurrency e-commerce, and multiple cryptocurrency investment opportunities.
Received: 950,000 USDGoal: 200,000 USD20-04-2020 Visit
Quantum Generation™ 6.2

Quantum Generation™

Quantum Cyber Security a new age of communications – Developing the largest decentralized, incentivized, self-sustainable, quantum mesh network based on blockchain technology. Using proprietary encryption, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution™”, quantum number generation, quantum key distribution & authentication. Quantum Secure Cryptography for the Qubit blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. The Team is developing a single Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem.
Received: 100,000,000 USDGoal: 500,000 USD31-03-2020 Visit
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