How To Create A Cryptocurrency: Everything To Get You Started
How To Create A Cryptocurrency: Everything To Get You Started
Bitcoin has become a hugely popular alternative investment. It might be volatile in price, but it still shows a whopping +6000% ROI (According to CoinMarketCap) since 2009, when it was released to the public.
Buying Bitcoin in Nigeria doesn’t need to be difficult. Coindirect makes it a smooth process for Nigerians to buy cryptocurrency using Nigerian Naira through numerous payment methods. This includes Nigerian credit card payments, international Visa/MasterCard credit card payments, bank transfers, mobile money and VISA QR payments.
There is also the option of buying Bitcoin on the platform’s marketplace from Nigerian sellers.
Bitcoin is one of the 41 tokens offered on Coindirect. To choose a different token, simply follow the same process as above with your chosen cryptocurrency.
Credit card processing fees are 1.99% for “New credit card (NGN)”.
How To Create A Cryptocurrency: Everything To Get You Started
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